- episcanpy.api.tl.draw_graph(adata, layout='fa', init_pos=None, root=None, random_state=0, n_jobs=None, adjacency=None, key_added_ext=None, copy=False)¶
Force-directed graph drawing [Islam11] [Jacomy14] [Chippada18].
An alternative to tSNE that often preserves the topology of the data better. This requires to run
, first.The default layout (‘fa’, ForceAtlas2) [Jacomy14] uses the package fa2 [Chippada18], which can be installed via pip install fa2.
Force-directed graph drawing describes a class of long-established algorithms for visualizing graphs. It has been suggested for visualizing single-cell data by [Islam11]. Many other layouts as implemented in igraph [Csardi06] are available. Similar approaches have been used by [Zunder15] or [Weinreb17].
- Parameters
- adata
Annotated data matrix.
- layout
‘fa’ (ForceAtlas2) or any valid igraph layout. Of particular interest are ‘fr’ (Fruchterman Reingold), ‘grid_fr’ (Grid Fruchterman Reingold, faster than ‘fr’), ‘kk’ (Kamadi Kawai’, slower than ‘fr’), ‘lgl’ (Large Graph, very fast), ‘drl’ (Distributed Recursive Layout, pretty fast) and ‘rt’ (Reingold Tilford tree layout).
- root
Root for tree layouts.
- random_state
For layouts with random initialization like ‘fr’, change this to use different intial states for the optimization. If None, no seed is set.
- adjacency
Sparse adjacency matrix of the graph, defaults to adata.uns[‘neighbors’][‘connectivities’].
- key_added_ext
By default, append layout.
- proceed
Continue computation, starting off with ‘X_draw_graph_`layout`’.
- init_pos
‘paga’/True, None/False, or any valid 2d-.obsm key. Use precomputed coordinates for initialization. If False/None (the default), initialize randomly.
- copy
Return a copy instead of writing to adata.
- **kwds
Parameters of chosen igraph layout. See e.g. fruchterman-reingold [Fruchterman91]. One of the most important ones is maxiter.
- Returns
Depending on copy, returns or updates adata with the following field.
- X_draw_graph_layoutadata.obsm
Coordinates of graph layout. E.g. for layout=’fa’ (the default), the field is called ‘X_draw_graph_fa’